The 7-Minute Causal Analysis
Simple and quick results with the Universal Structure Modeling from NEUSREL
Have you ever experienced this?
When you try a structure equation analysis with Lisrel, Amos or SmartPLS, some requirements are simply not met. Say, the distribution assumptions are not met? Or Non-linear relations might be there, or worse: moderating variables could be interfering, but you don’t know which ones? Which variables are actually affecting which other variables? And in which direction? Question after question that might not be answered by your literature review on proven theories… Shouldn’t ‘real research be different?
The goal should be that you only use the knowledge and theories that you can truly back up. The analysis method should do the rest. These methods should also be flexible enough to show you where, and which, non-linearities and moderation effects -which you were not previously aware of- are at play.
This method is now finally available. You can test, cost-free, the NEUSREL software. The universal structure modeling (USM) implemented here has already been scientifically published and is used by leading companies such as T-Mobile, L’Oreal or AUDI. The best of it for you, as a researcher is: You get fast and powerful results. All results are presented in an Excel file in one view (Video: 7-Minute Causal Analysis) incl. all established fit measures for measurement and structural model. The analysis is not only simpler — it enriches and inspires your research with empirically based hypothesis formation.
For a list of features click here.
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